Yay! Starting tomorrow morning, 8/1, Bic Pen Pals will be giving away FREE pens on Facebook! They’ll be giving away a limited amount of free pen samples, so you may want to head on over to the Bic Pen Pals Facebook page and “like” them now so you’ll be ready when this offer goes live!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
FREE Post it -Super Sticky Notes Samples
Thanks, Hip2Save
Sweet Money Maker Shopping trip at Walgreens!!!
Sweet!!! This morning I went to Walgreens to grabbed some deals I've been waiting for!!! I slowly building my daughter's school supplies. And I still doesn't know what I need to get her for notebooks. As you guys remember I posted the crayola deal awhile back. And I've seen a lot of people got their Free Pantene Shampoo! So I received mine last Thursday, and I received 2 coupons. So I used those coupons today to start my deal! 
Here's what I got today:
1 Pantene Shampoo 4.99
1 Pantene Conditioner $2.01 (odd pricing I know..)
Total: $7
Use : Free Pantene (Facebook offer NLA)
Total: $0.00
I received $2RR
now I have $2RR to use to my #2
1 Crayola Washable Classic 8ct $2.00
Used: $2RR from #1
Total: $0.00
I received $2 RR
1 Goody Collections Clips 6ct $2.00
Used: $2 RR from #2
Total: $0.00
I received $2RR
I did the #2 AND #3 9x each. I didn't clear shelves nor hold the line. It took 10mins. My check out!!! Because I don't need to grabbed my wallet again... So that's pretty cool!!! I went back home with $2RR in hand. My savings today after adding all up what's on my receipt is $84.78 ..aweeeeesssssoooommmme!!!
Here's what I got today:
1 Pantene Shampoo 4.99
1 Pantene Conditioner $2.01 (odd pricing I know..)
Total: $7
Use : Free Pantene (Facebook offer NLA)
Total: $0.00
I received $2RR
now I have $2RR to use to my #2
1 Crayola Washable Classic 8ct $2.00
Used: $2RR from #1
Total: $0.00
I received $2 RR
1 Goody Collections Clips 6ct $2.00
Used: $2 RR from #2
Total: $0.00
I received $2RR
I did the #2 AND #3 9x each. I didn't clear shelves nor hold the line. It took 10mins. My check out!!! Because I don't need to grabbed my wallet again... So that's pretty cool!!! I went back home with $2RR in hand. My savings today after adding all up what's on my receipt is $84.78 ..aweeeeesssssoooommmme!!!
100% Totally Free -Awesome!!!
Hi coupon lovers! I'm back again... And I'm so glad to share with you what I got today at one of my favorite drugstore... CVS.
So this week I have $96 worth of ECB, $30 of the Gas Gift Card, and $4 and something CVS Money Card. So today after church I went to CVS to do my Gas deal this week. I made 2 transactions. My today saving is $122.61 with the remaining of $74 ECB and $40 worth of Gas card and $2 and some cents on my CVS MoneyCard. It's so nice when I don't need to reach on my wallet to get some cash or something. So this is what I got today.
6 Skippy Peanut Butter $10
6 Red Baron Pizza $18
2 Oral B Pulsar $11.98 (raincheck)
2 Skinny Cow $3.92
3 Wesson Oil $2.99
Total: $50.93
$10 off $50
3 $1/2 Skippy PB
6 $1/1 Red Baron
2 $3/1 Oral B
1 B1G1 Free Skinny Cow
$25 worth of ECB
Subtotal: -0.06
Tax: $0.34
Total OOP: $0.28 ( I used my CVS Moneycard to pay for the $0.28)I received this following ECB 2 $3ECB from the Oral B and $0.99 Skinny Cow
2 Coffee-mate Original $6
2 Skinny Cow $1.98
1 Bic Soleil Razor $5.99
2 Sprite $1.98
1 Wesson Oil $2.99
2 Sunday Paper $3
Total: $21.94Used:
$4 off $20 (from last week)
2 $0.55/1 Coffee-mate
1 $3/1 Bic
2 $1 off any Coca Cola
1 B1G1 Free Skinny Cow
$11ECB's from previous week
Subtotal: -$0.15
Tax: $0.40
Total OOP: $0.25 (paid with the CVS MoneyCard)I received $3 from Bic and $10 Shell Gas Card
6 Skippy Peanut Butter $10
6 Red Baron Pizza $18
2 Oral B Pulsar $11.98 (raincheck)
2 Skinny Cow $3.92
3 Wesson Oil $2.99
Total: $50.93
$10 off $50
3 $1/2 Skippy PB
6 $1/1 Red Baron
2 $3/1 Oral B
1 B1G1 Free Skinny Cow
$25 worth of ECB
Subtotal: -0.06
Tax: $0.34
Total OOP: $0.28 ( I used my CVS Moneycard to pay for the $0.28)I received this following ECB 2 $3ECB from the Oral B and $0.99 Skinny Cow
2 Coffee-mate Original $6
2 Skinny Cow $1.98
1 Bic Soleil Razor $5.99
2 Sprite $1.98
1 Wesson Oil $2.99
2 Sunday Paper $3
Total: $21.94Used:
$4 off $20 (from last week)
2 $0.55/1 Coffee-mate
1 $3/1 Bic
2 $1 off any Coca Cola
1 B1G1 Free Skinny Cow
$11ECB's from previous week
Subtotal: -$0.15
Tax: $0.40
Total OOP: $0.25 (paid with the CVS MoneyCard)I received $3 from Bic and $10 Shell Gas Card
Friday, July 22, 2011
NEW: $1/1 SoftSoap Pampered Handsoap + CVS Scenario Deal
Starting 7/24 CVS has this awesome handsoap on sale. Just head over here to print a high value $1/1 SoftSoap Pampered Hand Liquid Soap coupons
Here is your deal:
Buy 3 Softsoap Pampered Hands $2.00 each
-(3)$1/1 Softsoap Coupon
Pay: $3
Get a $3 ECB
Free after coupons & ECB
-(3)$1/1 Softsoap Coupon
Pay: $3
Get a $3 ECB
Free after coupons & ECB
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ok, after Walgreens ,my next stop CVS. I was thinking what can I get! I started with $26 ECB's and from my last week shopping trip! And ohh boy! I have fun today shopping!! So here's what I got today. I did 3 transactions.. Just to roll some of the ECB and use some awesome coupons I got from the Magic Machine... Just love it!!!
Some of the item that I bought is not included in the pic...enjoy!
1 John Frieda Styler $6
$5/1 JF
$1 ECB from the GBT
Subtotal: $0.00
Tax: $.33
Total OOP: $0.33 Receive $10 ECB from the John Frieda
6 John Frieda Styler $36
2 Pantene $6.97
6 Mt. Dew $5.28
2 Oral B $3.98
2 Oral B Crossactions $6 (use raincheck from 2weeks ago)
1 Oral B Pulsar $5.99 (use RC from 2weeks ago sale)
2 Xtra Laundry $ 2.98
Total: $67.20
$10 of $50
$3/2 Pantene
6 $5/1 JF
3 $1/2 Mt. Dew
1 $2/2 Oral B
1 $2/1 Oral B crossaction ,advantage or 2 Oral B indicator
1 B1G1 Free Oral B Crossaction Manual
1 $3/1 Oral B Pulsar
1 $1/2 Xtra Laundry (Thanks SherryDuncan)
$10 ECB from the #1
Tax: $2.46
Total OOP: $2.66
On the 2nd Transactions I received the following ECB's
$2 From Pantene
$2 From Oral B
$2 From Oral B (RC sale 7/04-7/09)
$3 From Oral B Pulsar (RC sale 7/04-7/09)
Then I made my last transactions and that's #3
5 Fructis Products $16.68
1 Gillette Shaving Cream $2.19
4 Vlasic Pickles $4
Total: $22.87
$3 off 15
$5 off WYB $15 worth of Granier product from magic machine courtesy of Beauty Club
5 $1/1 Granier
1 $1/1 Gillette Shaving Cream
2 $2 ECB from #2
$3 ECB from #2
Subtotal: -$0.13
Tax: $0.91
Total OOP: $0.78 and receive $5 ECB from Granier and $2 from Gillette
So overall, I spent $3.18 including the tax and I still have $34 ECB from my next shopping trip!I'm planning to do the Gas deal again next week... Total Savings today $116.54 . woot.I don't know how many percent is that. I'm so happy about it!!!
I ♥ Walgreens♥
So I planned to go today at Walgreens,so I did!! :lol: So after I grabbed some of the items that's on my list, 1 of the cashier approached me, I didn't even think something wrong..because I should say most of the employees knows me...except at the Pharmacy side...they don't know me... :lol: so she asked me if I want to donate $5 for the walk for Diabetes and I said ok. I'm just hoping that science will discover a cure for diabetes, my DH has a diabetes. Anyway...So I did 10 transactions. I have $16RR and $20 in cash.
10 Dove +Men Bar Soap $60
12 Mitchum Deo $36
2 Expo Washable Markers $11.98
11 Penway Folder (no highlighters for me :( ) $1.21
4 Milka $6
1 Arizona Tea (DD is really expensive) $11 Glitter Portafoglio (for DD ,keep putting stuff on the cart) $2.54
2 Dozens eggs $3.38
3 Hamburger Helpers $2.97
Sale Price: $125.08
10 $4/1 Dove
10 $1/1 Mitchum Deo
2 $2/1 Expo Washbale markers
$3 Expo washable markers (IVC)
4 $1/1 Milka
$1 $1/2 Milka (IVC)
1 $1/3 Ham. Helper
Discount of 15%: $18.77 ( I got the 15% discount because of the donation of $5)
So after all the rolling, discount's,coupons the RR I paid.... drumm rolllll....... $4.03 Including tax and I still have the $16RR when I came in and another set of 4 $4RR so total of $32. So overall I spent $9.03 including the $5 Donations...and still have $32RR for next week..that's what I'm talking about!!! woot woot!!! I feel that I robbed Walgreens...so I told my daughter to hurry up ..lol
Happy wagging!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Afternoon Shopping Trip at Walmart
Hello guys,it's me again... I needed to buy some fresh produce for my DH. And there's a sale on Broccoli crowns for $0.59/lb. So I took advantage of that.And I did pick up some other things too.. Here's what I got:
22 Johnson&Johnson First Aid Kit $0.97 each
4 Crayola Crayons 24ct $0.25 each (price match at K-Mart)
2 Crayola Colored Pencil 12ct $1 each (PM at K-Mart)
2 Crayola Markers 10ct $1 each (PM at K-Mart)
2 Bengay $4.98 each
9.28lbs of Broccoli Crowns $0.59/lb $5.47
1.53lb Green Beans $1.51
2 Fillipo Berio Extra Olive Oil $3.99 each
3lbs Pork Roast $6.80
3lbs Chicken Breast $4.97
1 Deans Cottage Cheese $2.98
1 Milk $1.85
1 Egg Beaters $4.98
1 Hershey's $0.50
2 All you Mag $1.88
1 Vinegar $1.67
2 Chips Ahoy $1 each
1 Cabbage $0.54
1 Cabbage $0.54
Total: $81.31
Coupon used:
4 $1/2 any Crayola
2 $5/1 Bengay
11 $3/2 Johnson and Johnson
2 10%off All you Mag
2 $1/1 Fillipo Berio Olive Oil
1 $1/2 Nabisco
1 $2/1 Egg Beaters
1 $1.50/1 Deans Cottage Cheese
Subtotal: $27.31
Tax: $2.21
Total OOP: $29.52
Tax: $2.21
Total OOP: $29.52
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Price Matching at Walmart 7/17
Hey you guys! Good afternoon. Hoping you guys having a wonderful weekend.. Just got home from Walmart. I decided to stopped there today to buy my Sunday Newspaper. And of course that's just my alibi to look around and grab some Freebies!!! Who doesn't love freebies. So here's what I got today,
2 Crayola Crayons 24ct $0.25 each PM at K-Mart
1 Crayola Colored Pencils 12ct $1 each PM at K-Mart
3 Crayola Washable Markers 8ct $1.49 each PM at ShopKo
1 Dixon N2 Pencil 24ct $0.97
1 Eraser pencil Toppers $0.94
1 Fiskar Scissors $1.47
8 J&J First aid Kit $0.97
8 Bic Cristal Pens $0.50 PM at Target
3 Sunday Paper $1.24
Total: $24.84
Coupon Used:
4 $3/2 J&J
3 $1/2 any Crayola exp 12/31
4 $1/2 Bic Pen
Subtotal: $5.48
Tax: $1.38
Total OOP: $7.22
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Price Matching at WALMART 7/17-7/23
Does it really work?? Can you really save Price Matching at Walmart? Well the answer is YES! This week I'm planning to snag free +Money Maker Crayola. I need to start buying the school supplies for my DD. I looked through all the weekly flyers that I have this week. And this is what I'm gonna Price match at Walmart
Price Matching at K-Mart Weekly Ad
Crayola 24ct Crayons $0.25
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31 , I found this coupons on Mead Calendar that I bought awhile back at Walgreens.
Total Price: FREE +$0.50 Overage
Crayola Colored Pencils 12ct $1 each e
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31
Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
Crayola Markers 10ct $1 each
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31
Final Price: $0.50 each WYB 2
Price Matching at ShopKo Weekly ad
Crayola Washable Markers $1.49
$1/2 on any crayola Products
Final Price: $.99 each WYB 2
Price Matching at Target Weekly Ad
Bic Cristal Ball Point Pen 10ct $0.50
use Save $1 of any 2 Bic Stationary product
Final Price: FREE
Price Matching at K-Mart Weekly Ad
Crayola 24ct Crayons $0.25
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31 , I found this coupons on Mead Calendar that I bought awhile back at Walgreens.
Total Price: FREE +$0.50 Overage
Crayola Colored Pencils 12ct $1 each e
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31
Final Price: $0.50 each wyb 2
Crayola Markers 10ct $1 each
$1/2 on any Crayola Products exp. 12/31
Final Price: $0.50 each WYB 2
Price Matching at ShopKo Weekly ad
Crayola Washable Markers $1.49
$1/2 on any crayola Products
Final Price: $.99 each WYB 2
Price Matching at Target Weekly Ad
Bic Cristal Ball Point Pen 10ct $0.50
use Save $1 of any 2 Bic Stationary product
Final Price: FREE
WALGREENS Coupon Policy
Woohoo! Way to go Walgreens. We will be marking this day down in coupon history and it’s a happy day here on LRWC. The long awaited Walgreens Coupon Policy is now published on their website. And, it addresses some of the confusing and sometimes frustrating coupon acceptance policies that have gone on at Walgreens stores throughout the country. Some of the key items I am very happy to see addressed are:
1. The use of BOGO coupons with a BOGO sale:
When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.
2. A coupon for more then the amount of the item:
The coupon amount must be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).
3. The use of internet printed coupons:
Walgreens accepts valid internet/print at home coupons.
DRUGSTORE FREEBIES of the Week 7/17-7/23
So make sure you visit your CVS and Walgreens this week. They have a lot of freebies!!!!
Before purchasing check your store shelf stickers to make sure about the prices and if the items is included in this deal.
Get $5 ECB's WYB $20 of Lumene Products, (limit 1)
$4/1 Lumene Product, exp 8/15 (SS 06/19)
Scenarios (based on online price)
Buy 7 Lumene Sensitive Touch Cleansing Wipes 10ct $2.99 eah
Total: $20.93
use 5 $4/1 Lumene Products
Pay as low: $0.93 receive $5 ECB's
Final Price: FREE + $4.07 Money maker
Get $10 ECB's WYB $20 John Frieda Products,(limit 1)
$2/1 Any John Frieda Products, exp. 7/31 (SS 06/05)
$5/1 John Frieda Full Repair Treatment Styler or Finisher, exp. 7/31 (SS 06/05)
Buy 4 John Frieda Full Repair Styler $6 each
Total: $24
Use 4 $5/1 John Frieda Full Repair
Pay as low as $4 Receive $10 ECB's
Final Price: FREE + $6 Money maker
Axe Spray Cans 1oz
$2 CRT Coupon from the CVS Coupon Machine
Final Price: FREE
Get $1 ECB's WYB Oral-B Indicator Toothbrush (limit 2) $1.99
$2/1 Oral-B Pulsar,CrossAction, Advantage, or 2 Indicator or Cavity Defense Manual Toothbrushes, exp. 7/31/11 (P&G 7/3)
Final Price: FREE
Get $1 ECB's WYB Crest Toothpaste- Selected Varities (limit 2) $1.99
$1/2 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 7/31 (P&G 6/5)
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste, exp. 7/31 (P&G 7/3)
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste ,exp. 7/31 (P&G 7/3)
Final Price: FREE
Before purchasing check your store shelf stickers to make sure about the prices and if the items is included in this deal.
Get $5 ECB's WYB $20 of Lumene Products, (limit 1)
$4/1 Lumene Product, exp 8/15 (SS 06/19)
Scenarios (based on online price)
Buy 7 Lumene Sensitive Touch Cleansing Wipes 10ct $2.99 eah
Total: $20.93
use 5 $4/1 Lumene Products
Pay as low: $0.93 receive $5 ECB's
Final Price: FREE + $4.07 Money maker
Get $10 ECB's WYB $20 John Frieda Products,(limit 1)
$2/1 Any John Frieda Products, exp. 7/31 (SS 06/05)
$5/1 John Frieda Full Repair Treatment Styler or Finisher, exp. 7/31 (SS 06/05)
Buy 4 John Frieda Full Repair Styler $6 each
Total: $24
Use 4 $5/1 John Frieda Full Repair
Pay as low as $4 Receive $10 ECB's
Final Price: FREE + $6 Money maker
Carefree Pantyliner - In-Ad Coupon $0.99
$3/2 Carefree Pantiliners, exp 7/20 (Walgreens July Monthly Booklet)
$0.50/1 Carefree Product, exp 8/30 (SS 06/26)
Final Price: FREE
Get $4 RR's WYB 2 Select Dove Personal Care 2/ $12
Dove Bar Soap 6pk
Degree or Dove Clinical Protection Antiperspirant/Deodorant 1.7oz
Dove Lotion
Dove Body Wash
Coupon source: RP 6/26 exp. 7/24
Buy 2 Dove Men+Care Body and Face Bar
Total: $12
use 2 $4/1 Men's Dove Bar Soap
Pay as low as $4 Receive $4 RR's
Final Price: FREE
CVS Store Coupon Policy
CVS stores accept the following types of coupons:
1. Manufacturer Coupons (this includes both coupons from newspapers / magazines / other print sources ans well as manufacturer online printable coupons)
2. Store Coupons (this includes CVS store coupons found in their weekly fliers , CRTs and purchase based coupons)
3. Competitor Pharmacy Coupons (they do not, however, accept any other type of competitor coupon)
4. Extra Care Bucks (called ECBs for short, they are like a Catalina from the grocery store that is printed out at the cash register)
CVS allows a shopper to use one manufacturer and one store coupon per item. In addition, the shopper may also use Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) since they are treated by CVS like a gift card, not like a coupon.
The official CVS coupon policy is that if an item is on sale as a Buy One Get One Free (BOGO), you may use two manufacturer coupons when making the purchase..
CVS does not list their coupon policy on their website. If you want a document to take to your local CVS, you can contact CVS/pharmacy Customer Relations at 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287), email them at customercare@cvs.com.
Shopping Trip: WALGREENS 7/14
Hi guys! I just wanted to share this trip. To inspire somebody out there. Using coupons change the way I spend the money. So anyway, as we all know Walgreens is one of the Leading Drug Store from 50 states. And Walgreens is a very confusing store..very hard to understand at the first time. But as soon as you learned the DO'S and DONT'S it's pretty awesome to shop there. So this week I only went 2 times. The first trip I didn't make a story log,I forgot about it. So this last one is really cool. I think I did pretty good. I made 14 transactions in 1 Walgreens. Ok. I know someone of you raise any eyebrows or says "Are you serious". Just to make it clear, before I go and shop at Walgreens I call first and check to the SM if I can do it or not. Or it's better to go back the next time or not. I didn't clear the shelves. I pre-ordered most of my items. This is really YMMV (your miles may vary)
I didn't have any Register Rewards to start with. I'm not gonna list how I do every single transactions because it's gonna be a long one. Anyway my total before coupon is $207.99 So here's what I got:
5 Gillette Shaver Cream
2 Old Spice Bodywash
2 Old Spice Antipresperant
20 Noxzema Bikini Razor $2.99 each (woot woot)
4 Hyland teething
3 S.H. Brow
8 Folders
4 Dove Bodywash
5 Walgreens Razors
10 Gum Flosser
5 Infusium Shampoo and Conditioner
2 EOS shaving Cream
1 Loaf of bread
1 Hamburger buns
1 Hotdog Buns
1 Dozen Eggs
And my TOTAL OUT OF POCKET is $17.54 including the tax. The tax alone is $10.70. And I still have $16 Register Rewards that I can use this coming week. My total saving on this trip is $257
*Desclaimer: On this picture there's some items that I already bought awhile back and I just picked it up. And I bought the Benadryly Anti-Itch at Walmart for $0.28 a piece....
I didn't have any Register Rewards to start with. I'm not gonna list how I do every single transactions because it's gonna be a long one. Anyway my total before coupon is $207.99 So here's what I got:
5 Gillette Shaver Cream
2 Old Spice Bodywash
2 Old Spice Antipresperant
20 Noxzema Bikini Razor $2.99 each (woot woot)
4 Hyland teething
3 S.H. Brow
8 Folders
4 Dove Bodywash
5 Walgreens Razors
10 Gum Flosser
5 Infusium Shampoo and Conditioner
2 EOS shaving Cream
1 Loaf of bread
1 Hamburger buns
1 Hotdog Buns
1 Dozen Eggs
And my TOTAL OUT OF POCKET is $17.54 including the tax. The tax alone is $10.70. And I still have $16 Register Rewards that I can use this coming week. My total saving on this trip is $257
*Desclaimer: On this picture there's some items that I already bought awhile back and I just picked it up. And I bought the Benadryly Anti-Itch at Walmart for $0.28 a piece....
Shopping Trip: CVS 7/10
Last Sunday after Church I decided to go to CVS to get my Sunday newspaper. And while I was there I was looking around what I can get. So I started with $36 ECB. My planned is to do the Gas Deal because I have some awesome coupons for Smartwater. So this is what I got:
30 Smart water $0.99 each
6 CapNCrunch Cereals $1 each
2 Newspaper $3.25 for both
3 Diet Coke 12 oz can 12pk 3 for $10
1 Diet Coke 12oz can 12pk $4.49( FREE when you buy 3 12pk Diet Coke)
1 Flava Puff Biscuit $1 (DD was hungry)
Coupon used:
$10 off When you spend $50 or more (CVS Coupons)
30 $0.75/1 Any Smartwater
6 $0.50/1 CapNCrunch
$3 off when you buy 4 12pk Coke
$10 ECB
Subtotal: $1.44
Tax: $0.33
Total OOP: $1.77
Plus I received $10 Gas Gift Card. And I still have $26 ECB to spend on my next shopping at CVS. Shopping at CVS is really easy. And easy to understand. Not a complicated store.
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